Day Nine: Your Favourite Song About Love

I never claimed to be Whitney Houston.

Karen Schwartz
3 min readFeb 9, 2023


Annette Jones on Pixabay

When I was younger, I used to love singing. Before I knew about karaoke, I rented a Singing Machine and belted out tunes in my home. Singing into a microphone made me feel legendary. Still, despite all my practice, my voice appealed to only some. Reel back to when my daughter, Madelaine, was five, and we sang Kermit the Frog’s Rainbow Connection in front of a small crowd. Her sweet voice melts my heart whenever I listen to my copy. That was the first time, as a duo, we made our debut.

As the years passed, Whitney Houston became one of my favourite artists. I loved her for her beauty, range, and voice’s powerful sound. However, the song that touched me deeply was The Greatest Love of All, my favourite love song of all time. Not only for the magic of its words but for the experiences it reminds me of.

Just listen to the first two lines. As a parent, how could I not fall in love with the lyrics?

“I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way.”

These lines reminded me that my children came into my life to teach me as much as I did them. This was eye-opening. It was fascinating how my children, both birth and…



Karen Schwartz
Karen Schwartz

Written by Karen Schwartz

Children's picture book author, fiction writer, personal essayist, kindness specialist, and lover of chocolate.

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